Stephen Travels


The Best of Zagreb, Croatia

Mirogoj Cemetery, Zagreb, CroatiaWith good reason, visitors to Croatia flock to and concentrate on its gorgeous Adriatic coast and such unmistakable cities as Split and Dubrovnik. But there’s more to this country than its enviable coastline, verdant islands, and pristine beaches. A simple detour east brings you to Zagreb, one of the most underrated capitals in Europe and one of its most surprising. Read more about the top five things to see and do in Zagreb >

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When Spring Springs in the World’s Best Botanic Gardens

Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, New YorkEvery spring, as we bid winter goodbye, the time comes to terminate our hibernation and return to the outdoor world. One visually invigorating, and very gentle, way to re-acclimate ourselves is to visit a botanic garden. These oases of flora, very often in the heart of concrete urban clusters, can stir your soul, as the annual rebirth begins and plants, birds, animals, and insects get busy once again. Read more about the top five botanic gardens in the world >

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College Without the Classes: A Trio of Celebrated Sites at UBC Vancouver

Museum of Anthropology, UBC, VancouverNow that I’ve been out of college for some time, going back to a campus has become a joy, a return to a pleasant environment without the stress of studying for a calculus final or writing a term paper on Thomas Hardy. Whether I’m checking out some terrific collegiate architecture in Princeton or stumbling upon ebullient commencement ceremonies at a university in Scotland or Michigan, I’m always up for a good stroll around a campus for an hour or two. But at the University of British Columbia, my campus visit became a full-day event, with three world-class attractions integral to a rewarding vacation in Vancouver. Read more >

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A Quintet of Canadian Pyramids

Muttart ConservatoryLike a postmodern Giza — but in a much colder clime — the five glass pyramids of Muttart Conservatory rise above the trees on a hillside in a quiet residential section of Edmonton, Alberta. For almost 40 years, Muttart has been welcoming visitors (and brides) to its indoor botanical garden, and when local meteorologists are far from accurate and you’re faced with a day that’s about 20 degrees colder than predicted, it’s a great place to escape indoors. Read more >