Stephen Travels

And he's ready to take you with him.

Mushara Bush Camp, Namibia

Sweet Dreams

You’ve spent the entire day on the go, so when it comes time to stop, you want your place of slumber—whether it’s a charming B&B, your own villa, or a private cabin on a horse farm—to be perfect. I’ll take you there.

This bed’s too hard, this bed’s too soft . . . . We all know that a good night’s sleep will profoundly affect how much you enjoy the next day, so you want to make sure your choice of respite is perfect, and that involves an astounding number of factors—location, price, cleanliness, services and amenities, atmosphere, and so on.

So how do you select the home away from home that’s best for you? Hotel review websites are a tremendous resource. Used wisely (do you really trust the review that slams a hotel just because there was no turndown service, or faults a B&B because its orange juice had pulp?), you’ll be able to select a place that fits you perfectly. By combining this with my own careful research, I’ve managed to pick places of rest that were so comfortable and inviting that I almost didn’t want to leave my room—almost.

These are some of my favorite accommodations where I’ve slept tight and had no bedbugs bite.

2 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams

  1. Pingback: R&R at the Best B&Bs | Stephen Travels

  2. Pingback: Elegance and Luxury in a Small Ohio Village | Stephen Travels

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